Captain Fantastic captivates kids at Godstone Farm with new children’s book launch

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Captain Fantastic, a character from the UK’s premier children’s party franchise company flew down to Godstone Farm in Surrey last week to launch a new children’s book, The Undersea Monster. Children were treated to a fun-filled book reading along with magic tricks performed by the creator and author of the book, Tommy Balaam.

Tommy Balaam, Director of Fun at Captain Fantastic explains: “We are on a mission to spread happiness and make memories and I wanted to give children more opportunities to explore and engage in the wonderful world of Captain Fantastic. They can enjoy our themed parties hosted by professional actors and entertainers, watch our you tube channel ‘Captain Fantastic Adventures’, listen and read. We try and create a 3600 experience all around adventure, fun and games to create a magical time for everyone.

“I’m dyslexic and growing up I was great at maths but really struggled with English and reading, although I loved stories and songs. For me, rhyme comes more naturally and it’s more engaging and great fun, I know my own kids love it! Therefore, it made sense to create a rhyming picture book for more children to enjoy. The story is brought to life with brilliant illustrations by Daniel Howard, so any child aged between four and seven can connect with the story wherever they are in their development.”

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The Undersea Monster is aimed at Key Stage One and is the third title in the Captain Fantastic series available to buy on Amazon. Copies are also available at Godstone Farm. The story follows our intrepid hero Captain Fantastic and his loyal canine companion Wilson, as they travel through space to land on a remote blue, sea planet. But Captain Fantastic doesn’t listen to Wilson’s wise words about the water and dives too deep, needing to be rescued right out of the jaws of the (not so scary) Undersea Monster!

Captain Fantastic visits Godstone FarmCaptain Fantastic visits Godstone Farm
Captain Fantastic visits Godstone Farm

Simon Ingram, General Manager, Godstone Farm confirmed: “We welcomed Captain Fantastic to Godstone Farm to launch the new Undersea Monster book and wow, what a brilliant performance! The children were excited and captivated to learn about Captain Fantastic’s latest adventures and the performance was a treat for all.”

The Captain Fantastic franchise was set up more than ten years ago by actor Tommy Balaam as an entertainment company to create journeys of fun and safe adventure for children across the country, organising more than 2000 parties and events for 60,000 children every year. From pirates to princesses, science to disco, each party theme has been created by professional actors and are all designed to be full of fun, excitement and laughter.

Captain Fantastic has been voted the UK's Number One children's entertainment company by the trusted reviewing site FreeIndex.

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To learn more about the Undersea Monster click here for a book reading: The Undersea Monster: Children's Book Premiere - Live Launch Event | - YouTube

For further information about Captain Fantastic’s parties and events please see:

For actors and professional entertainers interested in exploring Captain Fantastic’s flexible franchise opportunities please see:

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